Saturday, July 30, 2011

Business Law: Text and Cases - Legal, Ethical, Global, and Corporate Environment Hardcover Kenneth W. Clarkson

Comprehensive, authoritative, and students with children, has long been the market leader Business Law: Text and Cases - Ethical, Legal, Global, and Corporate environment provides a perfect blend of traditional "black letter law" and groundbreaking coverage of contemporary topics and cases. The first text to complete an undergraduate-oriented teaching methods with traditional law-like content, Business Law continues to set the standard for quality. The text combines the advantages of a black letter law approach with a strong student orientation, making the law accessible, interesting and relevant to readers. The cases, content and features of the 12 edition has been thoroughly updated to represent the latest developments in business law. An excellent selection of included cases from the landmark precedent for important decisions recently, and ethical, global and corporate themes integrated throughout. They also challenge many critical thinking exercises, students apply what they learned to real world problems, and the text provides an unprecedented range of support materials - including innovative online teaching and learning resources. It is no wonder that the Business Law is used by several colleges and universities than any other business law text.

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