Saturday, July 30, 2011

West's Business Law: Text and Cases - Legal, Ethical, International, and E-Commerce Environment, 10th Edition Hardcover Kenneth W. Clarkson

West Business Law is fantastic for students in business law. It presents complicated subject in a way that is understandable. After reading it, I felt "Everyone should read this book," as it applies to so many situations we may face in everyday life. It provides a more in-depth and comprehensive laws presentation than most college textbooks. If you are hungry for knowledge of the law (if you want to be a lawyer or not), you will be preoccupied with material in West Business Law. My husband has a business law class right now that uses a different textbook, and there is no comparison. I only regret that I lost my West's Business Law, when I was going, because it is a textbook I had wanted to stay forever.

In addition to criminal justice in action, Fifth Edition, Roger LeRoy Miller, author or coauthor of bestselling textbooks in business law and other areas. His insight and knowledge of how today's students learn and retain the course material has made criminal in ACTION, Fifth Edition, one of the most understandable and engaging texts for the introductory student.

Dr. Jentz is the Herbert D. Kelleher Emeritus Centennial Professor in Business Law at the University of Texas at Austin Graduate School of Business. He received his BA, MBA and JD degree from the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Jentz was past president of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business, the Southwestern Federation of administrative disciplines, the Southern Business Law Association, Phi Kappa Phi (UT Chapter), and Texas Association of College Teachers. He is author or co-author of six monographs and 56 books and editions, including West Business Law: Text & Cases, tenth edition (2006), West Business Law Alternate Edition, tenth edition (2007), Fundamentals of Business Law, seventh edition (2007) , and two versions of Business Law Today, seventh edition (2008), plus complete edition (2007). He has also been published in scholarly journals and is former editor-in-chief of the American Business Law Journal. Dr. Jentz has given advanced purchasing seminars throughout the U.S., and have learned over the years at five regional and graduate banking schools. Dr. Jentz is the recipient of sixteen teaching, academic and Service Awards Excellence, including the CBA Foundation Award for Excellence in Education, the CBA Foundation Advisory Council Distinguished Scholastic Contributions Award, Academy of Legal Studies in Business Faculty Excellence Award, the Western states the School of Banking Leadership Award , James C. Scarboro Memorial Award for Outstanding Leadership in Banking Education, University of Texas' Civitatis "Award, and induction of Texas Business School (McCombs School of Business)" CBA Hall of Fame ".

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